Latin for Younger Students - Fall 2024 - Registration

tuesdays and thursdays - 11-11:30am PST (2-2:30pm est) - august 27-december 20

The streets of Pompeii - setting of our Latin textbook

This is the registration page for our Latin for Younger Students class at Seven Hills Classical. The class is specifically designed for younger students ages 7-10, who will explore the culture and history of ancient Pompeii, learn to translate Latin, and participate in a creative and fun approach to the language. Space is limited. To register your child for class, please review the class details below and complete the registration form. Note, registration is not complete until the class deposit has been received.

Duration: Fall Semester (we will continue the same schedule in the spring)
Frequency + Schedule: Twice per week (half hour classes), Tuesdays and Thursdays - 11-11:30am Pacific (2-2:30pm Eastern) (August 27-December 20, taking off Thanksgiving week and the week before)
Teacher: Wes
Enrollment: Open to students ages 7-10. No previous Latin knowledge needed.
Cost: $15 per class meeting, coming to approximately $120 per month, billed at the beginning of each month
Location: Zoom
Textbook: Cambridge Latin Course Unit 1, North American 5th edition
Deposit: A deposit of $150 (applied to first 10 classes in August and September) is required to complete registration. If your child decides not to continue with class after the first meeting, I will refund the deposit (minus the first class of $15). After this, the deposit is non-refundable.

Payments are accepted via Zelle (, Venmo (@wesswing - sending to friends - phone number (434) 825-5381), or an Ocean Grove Charter School PO made out to “Latin and the Classics with Wes.” When making your payment, please indicate your child’s name in the note. Payment must be made in order to complete registration.

Please complete the form below