Homer’s Odyssey - Fall 2024 - Registration

Tuesdays and Thursdays (12-12:30pm pacific), august 27-November 14

In this class, we will read and discuss Homer's Odyssey in its entirety. Each half-hour class will be devoted to one chapter (chapters are called books - 24 in total) and we will use the excellent new Emily Wilson translation and also Gareth Hinds' graphic novel version as supplementary material. Class will include discussions of the text and ancient mythology, explorations into ancient history, and student generated creative work. As space in class is limited, please complete registration by July 1st to reserve a spot in class.

Class Details:
Duration: 12 weeks - 24 half-hour classes
Frequency + Schedule: Tuesdays/Thursdays from 12-12:30pm Pacific (3-3:30pm Eastern), August 27-November 14
Teacher: Wes
Enrollment: Open to students ages 11+. No previous experience with The Odyssey needed. 
Cost: The cost of the full class is $360 (24 half-hour classes)
Class Materials: The Odyssey translated by Emily Wilson, The Odyssey graphic novel version by Gareth Hinds
Location: Zoom
Registration: Please complete the form below. As space is limited, full payment of $360 for class must be received in order to complete registration (payment details below). If your child decides not to continue with class after the first meeting, I will refund the price of class (minus the first class $15). Payments or POs are due by July 1st to secure a spot in class.

Payments must be made via Zelle (wesley.swing@gmail.com), Venmo (@wesswing - sending to friends - phone number (434) 825-5381), or an Ocean Grove Charter School PO made out to “Latin and the Classics with Wes.” When making your payment, please indicate your child’s name in the note. Payment must be made in order to complete registration.

Please complete the form below, let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to teaching your kids!